The reporter says: The five members of Big Bang have gladly (Happily) gathered together on stage.
After the short clip of Big Bang performing “Tonight”, they said “Hello we are Big Bang, we look forward to working with you (If they meant it to the SBS staff, but if it was to the fans, it’s more closer to please accept us well!”
Seungri asks “Are you from Tv Entertainment of the Night? WOW!”
Then the reporter says: After finishing up each of their single activities, they have gathered together.
The Reporter: Because it’s been a long time since they have performed as Big Bang (As a whole) they are extremely nervous.
The reporter asks G-Dragon “You didn’t get to sleep much yesterday, huh?” G-Dragon replies “Yes.. I hardly got any sleep”
Daesung answers “Yes I’m nervous” and the reporter replies “You don’t look nervous at all” Daesung answers “No I try not to act nervous but my insides are going nuts!”
The Reporter: A long time of preparation and wait, a lot of people are anticipating their comeback, and now the final rehearsal..
The star and Korean text reads: Yesterday, Big Bang Comeback Stage Filming
The reporter names each member and says “They have returned!”
Now it’s time for the “Tv Entertainment of the Night” special interview.
The reporter asks how long has it been since the comeback as a group, and G-Dragon answers “I heard it’s been two years and 3 months.” G-Dragon continued “Because two years had gone by, it was hard for us to count the days.”
The reporter next asked “What we are really curious about is the album concept.” T.O.P answered “What we prepared the most.. is our underwear (>_<)” Everyone else giggled a bit and T.O.P said “I was trying to be funny.” T.O.P explained that the concept was trying to show that they weren’t the “boy group” Big Bang but wanted everyone to feel how they have matured. The reporter then asked if the clothes they were wearing are actually a part of the clothing concept.
Seungri got up and started to explain his clothing and everyone exclaimed that he was wearing a dress. Seungri explained that it was the “300” concept (From the movie 300). The reporter said “But wait, for that movie the actors weren’t wearing any shirts.” Daesung joked “So this is 200” (As in not as much as 300 but a little less).
T.O.P explained his pants saying that he was originally going to wear a long dress. But he said that when he was jumping around it looked like an older woman’s dress. That’s why today he didn’t wear the dress.
Then the reporter asked the group to do a song acapella. (WOW they were good!)
Then the reporter went out to talk about “Tonight” and how all the songs on the album have rocked the online charts.
The reporter commented that now they aren’t really young idols but veterans. G-Dragon answered “It was only yesterday when we were busy greeting everyone as the youngest. But, on broadcast there are some moments where we are disconcerted. “
Then the reporter showed them a clip of when they were younger. (It was a clip from Tv Entertainment of the Night in 2006, before they debuted with “Lies”)
The reporter commented that even at that time they were good dancers.
The younger Taeyang first introduced himself on the clip “Hello, I am from vocal… (Oops) I am the vocalist Taeyang from Big Bang.” G-Dragon “Hello, I am the leader of Big Bang, G-Dragon.” Daesung “Hello, I am a vocalist from Big Bang.” T.O.P “Hello, I am a rapper of Big Bang.” Seungri “Hello, I am Seungri from Big Bang.”
When younger Daesung was singing in the clip, T.O.P commented that he hadn’t seen Daesung have a hairstyle that shows his forehead.
Q: Dae Sung, how does it feel? Do you remember those days?
DS: Of course I do. It was really tough back then, and I look really young.
GD: The eyes all look really enthusiastic.
TOP: You can feel the fire in their eyes.
GD: The will to appear on camera.
Q: After releasing their first album in 2006, Big Bang has released countless hit songs and new records to continue growing as a group. Four years into their career, Big Bang has worked endless hours to reach their current status. Seung Ri, which is better, solo or group activities?
SR: Oh, no, no, for real. Solo activities are just too exhausting. Well, Big Bang for example, you put together five different opinions together and the leader leads the whole group, But for me, when I do solo activities, I have to be in charge everything. I missed group activities so bad and I’m so happy to be back as a group. And I’m so happy to be back as a maknae (youngest in the group) who gets all the love from the older members.
GD: I think through the individual solo activities, each member experienced their own successes. So when we work together as a group, I think there’s a synergy effect.
Q: Could it be because it’s been so long? All the members look so close to each other. Unlike when their by themselves, Big Bang seems to have so much more fun working together as a group. What all the fans have been waiting for so long is this type of camaraderie among Big Bang members. If you could go back to your early 20s, what do you want to do?
GD: I want to study more. Of course I can do it now too, but from what I hear, I mean we’re still young, but as you get older I heard you feel the urge to study more.
TOP: I just want to have a regular college life. Like doing random meeting games, dating, go clubbing, you know, I never really had a chance to do such things so I want to just have a regular lifestyle meeting friends and stuff.
Q: From little kids with big dreams, Big Bang has grown to men thriving to achieve their dreams. Big Bang, they are finally back. A stage hotter and more powerful than any other, are you ready to enjoy their performance (Big Show on Feb. 27th)?
SR: I think we all waited and wanted to get together back as a group.
TOP: I worked really hard on this album and I’m really excited about it.
GD: You’ll be able to see a really well-planned out, organized Big Bang.
Big Bang: 2011, Big Bang is Back!
Source: realgilbakk @ YT
Translation: soompi

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