Big Bang and 2NE1 have been selected as the male and female groups most loved by the Hallyu fans in France.
The Paris office of Korean Tourism Organization has conducted ‘A survey to identify the status and distribution of Hallyu wave in France and the behavior of the Hallyu fans’ targeting 3,775 of local Hallyu fans. Big Bang and 2NE1 have each received 49.9% and 64.8% support coming in at #1.
The age range and gender of the fans who prefer 2NE1 and Big Bang were different. Big Bang was relatively highly preferred by male fans of Hallyu in France. As far a the age goes, Hallyu fans in their early 20′s seemed to prefer Big Bang. 2NE1 enjoyed most support of the Hallyu fans who are teenagers and those in their early 20′s and there was no significant difference between the genders.