“Big Bang has its unique and special charm. The show from the beginning till the end will be a highlight.”
Ahead of Big Bang’s Korea concert shared world renowned stage director Laurieann Gibson, the main director for Big Bang’s world tour.
Knowing Gibson’s experience of leading famous American pop star Lady Gaga’s ‘The Monster Ball Tour’ expected her words just to be a mere formality. However it was a rant not false word. At least true for the ‘2012 Big Show Big Bang Alive Tour’ concert in Seoul.
‘Exceed Korea idol group level’
Big Bang’s first button of their world tour and comeback stage after year and half held at Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium during three days from March 2-4 concluded successfully. Total of three shows with over 40,000 audiences went wild with excitement. Despite the eventful past year Big Bang showed that they still can deliver.
Big Bang was relentless. The concert proved why Big Bang is ‘Big Bang.’ Several music representatives have praised them stating, “The level was beyond the idol group of Korea.”