Male idol group of 5 members, Big Bang are scrambling to finish their preparations for their comeback. On November 17th an official from YG 's agency YG Entertainment stated, "Big Bang is currently finishing thier new album. The album will be available for fans as early as December this year or in January at it 's latest."
Taeyang, TOP, Seungri, Daesung and G-Dragon debuted as rookies in 2006 as their skills grew they held concerts all over Korea, then in the second half of 2007 with their big hit "Lie" they emerged as one of the best male idol groups. Since they coined consecutive hits in Korea as well as other parts of asia, the best boy group is a deserved title. In Korea, 2008, "Red Sunset" was the title track to their 2nd album containing new songs, however, since then, no new album has been released.
Taeyang, TOP, Daesung, Seungri and G-Dragon have all caught the attention of fans through solo activities but no new album in the name of Big Bang has been released. Because of Big Bang's announcement of a new Korean album, Korea has turned their attention to them. YG official explained, "Because Big Bang is working on a new album they won 't be attending end of the year ceremonies in Japan," revealing expectations on Big Bang 's new album. Meanwhile, Big Bang will be attending the "2010 YG Family Concert" in Korea, along with Seven, Gummy and 2NE1 on December 4th and 5th.
Translated: alee@ibigbang
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