Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Wednesday, 01 May
4pm (WIB), 5pm (SIN/HK/PHIL), 6pm (MAL)

Friday, 03 May
8:30pm (WIB), 9:30pm (SIN/HK/PHIL), 10:30pm (MAL)

Saturday, 04 May
6pm (WIB), 7pm (SIN/HK/PHIL), 8pm (MAL)

Thursday, 09 May
1am (WIB), 2am (SIN/HK/PHIL), 3am (MAL)

Wednesday, 22 May
8:30pm (WIB), 9:30pm (SIN/HK/PHIL), 10:30pm (MAL)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A must read for VIPs

A LETTER FROM K-VIPS TO I-VIPS News — 04 December 2011 

This is ESSENTIAL reading for all VIPs especially if you have felt shaken by their controversies over the last few months. (Cr: fortrollingkpop@BigBangThread6Theory)

Part 1 of 3

Big Bang – History of the National Idols

Are you worried about their sales? Reputation? Public image? Endorsement contracts?

If you answer yes to any of this, then you are underestimating Big Bang. I can understand why you would, after all you are in another country. You did not see them at their peak. You did not experience the “Big Bang Explosion.” You were not a part of us. You are not a K-VIP nor a citizen of our country.

But I am not belittling you. As a matter of fact, I thank you because you know Big Bang. You talk about them on Twitter, Facebook, and the Allkpop, and for that, urin Pik Peng were able to perform and visit Bangkok, Singapore City, Kuala Lumpur, many of Japan’s cities, New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Belfast. If not for you and you support, our dear boys would not have travelled the world with their music. Thank you. With all my heart, I really thank you.

I thank you yes, but I also would like to explain something to you. What you read online, what you think you know, they maybe true but not at all accurate. If some people are scaring you that our people are murdering YG and Big Bang with their words, don’t let that reality fool you. Words are just words. Words, for most time, is not money. Internet is just a silly place of whatver. Hater-infested Nate, Dispatch, or Enews articles isn’t going to put an end to the career of five national idols. Not now.

We have known Ji Yong and Young Bae when they were just preteens who had no money, no food, and only had cute smiles and pride. We grew up together. We rode the Seoul Subway with them after practice. We watched them perform in the parks of 마로니에 공원 and 남산. We’ve known them since we were all just 15, thinking life was so easy. But I’m not saying we are friends, because we are not. We are just loyal fans and all I’m saying is, we’ve known them before they built their houses in Chungdam-dong or bought their Audis and Bentleys. We didn’t like them with their golden packages. We became fans because we saw their passion and pursuit and patience to become artists. And they did become succesful on a national level, that’s why we are so proud.

I was 17 when I met Seung Hyun oppa, Dae Sung, Hyun Seung, and Seung Hyun. They were different. I didn’t see in them the raw talent and passion I admired in Ji Yong and Young Bae. I felt like they had it easy. It took a while for our movement to realize that like our idols, these four young men were just searching for their dreams. As the months passed by, we saw that Ji Yong and Young Bae grew attached to the four, and like brothers, they had a very admirable and powerful bond. They exuded the energy of determined dreamers, of fighters, of a family. Ji Yong and Seung Hyun oppa always joked around, Young Bae and Hyun Seung always rode the bus together, Dae Sung and Seunghyun took a while to be closer. But it was only a matter of time for our movement to see that just like the other two, Ji Yong and Young Bae also treasured them dearly. I loved all of them even more, and each and everyday my admiration for them increases.